Lucia Ortiz

I'm Lucia Ortiz; 22 years old. Currently 4th semester at university. My destiny seemed to be marked, since my father was addicted to marijuana and cocaine. Thus; I was born with high bilirubin. When I was 2 days old I was hospitalized at the clinic I also suffered from asthma until age 12.
I became rock and metal music fan; I found a rock-and-roll radiostation called radioactiva to be cool, this was by the time I was 11. I also liked “champeta” music (music that encourages violence, drug addiction and sexual degeneracy).
I've attended to heavy metal rock music concerts, where most young people there consumed drugs like marijuana, cocaine, etc; each concert was an opportunity to consume.
I remember the album covers full of images of incurable diseases, anus and vaginas with diseases. Openly communicating all messages of satanic music.
At age 16, I became acquainted through this music with “jivaros” and thieves whom gotten high on marijuana and invited me to do so. "Come and smoke” they told me: when I first tried it. I remember laughing and laughing (an addict’s laughter), then; I fell into depression and paranoia, imagining they were going to rape me, I ran to my house stoned. Still; I continued with the rock music, marijuana, concerts: Crashing home only for getting some food.
One day, while listening to a rock music program on Radioactiva called "Iron Curtain", I fell asleep left the radio on all of the night. When I woke up the next day, I felt a great depression and wanted to kill myself I said, "I will die with dignity", dressed in black, placed a metal music CD I took several pills and sedatives. This was at 10 AM, I felt sleepy and went to bed; at 11 AM I woke up. I was going through a respiratory arrest, my breathing slowed down; I blacked out and my family rushed me to a clinic, where they performed me a gastric lavage that saved my life.
Drug with its alkaloids stimulate the body and then leave it exhausted by its effect, provoking depression, these accompanied by the subliminal messages of the songs impels us without notice to steal, kill, commit suicide and commit acts that can be fatal.
I recovered and continued to use drugs with friends. By these days, I was in a in a convent school, smoked marijuana at school’s bathrooms and other isolated sites. I remember that I offered marijuana to several students and two of them accepted and one of them is married now and still uses.
The drug dealer was the leader of a gang of thieves, (he used to be my best friend), after smoking marijuana, he gave me whiskey on scopolamine (burundanga). I do not remember what happened next, because I did not know who he was or where he was. A drug addict friend told me that the he had raped me. I remember the dealer’s woman, dragging me into the street, broking my nose, and the worst ... on the same street where I used to live.
Despite everything that was wrong, I continued to consume marijuana, as it attempted to pursue happiness and I was smiling, laughing and laughing and then depression and wanting to die, then cried and cried. I wondered why I had came to this world.
I decided to retire from this group, remember that it was the 4th of June of 2000. That same day came a cousin who belonged to a metal rock band and invited me. I felt a change, because they were not thieves or Jivaros. The Patches (parties) were every Saturday: metal, marijuana and cocaine. Other times we went to the beach and there were: alcohol, cigarettes and marijuana.
For me, this unconsciousness that I was living was a blessing, but the truth was that I was destroying myself. When I was at home I felt depressed.
In 2001, I started working at a supermarket, my salary was for parties, marijuana and alcohol. I lived under depression and my mother took me to a religious group because I was a troubled girl. I did not like that group, the attendants acted strange; they started clapping and felt down on the ground as if they were possessed. But I wanted to change. I saw an add on the street from the Anael Center that caught my attention and began to go and I felt very well there, but was still listening to metal music. After three months of attending the Gnostic conferences, I ran into my cousin who asked me if I had become a crazy. She told me that life was beautiful and invited me to a concert to smoke marijuana and listening to metal music. I fell into temptation and went with the group. I used marijuana, cigarettes, wine and nuts and I went crazy; for the first time, I engaged myself in lesbianism with another drug addict. It is very normal for young drugged falls or engages in acts of homosexuality or lesbianism, as under the effect of the drug, one losses mental control of normal behavior and falls in infrasexual, criminal and fratricide demonstrations, etc.., And where everything is possible.
In 2.001, I went to college and wanted to return to Gnosis, but before returning I commited abortion. The doctor who practiced the abortion on me didn’t use anesthesia, I remember being tied hands and feet. I killed my son. Usually, young drug addicts when becoming pregnant, commit abortion. In December 2002, I decided to return to the Anael Center.
Back in the life that I had, women are degraded, we have sex with one and with the other, we are not respected as women, we are told on our face.
Studying under the light of Gnostic wisdom and understanding life with my experience in this world, I've found that most young people who are new to metal music have problems with their family: A friend of mine had been raped by her father, the other, her father threatened her with a gun, in my case, my father was a drug addict and left us. Given the situation; my mother didn't want me; since childhood she always treated me badly; mostly emotionally. My drug addict cousin was raped by her father and then abandoned, another young man never knew his father, and the other, has a drug dealer as a father. Due to this family situation that is presented to young people, we feel empty and search for an escape, we begin with this music and entangled ourselves into the drug world.
Now I meditate on the past and the need to alert young people to not go through the torture I have: rock music, metal and “champeta”, bad friends, drugs, a life without spiritual values, especially as mine, on which unfortunately I did not know if I owed something to God, I said "owed" because my father was a junkie.
Conclusion: Rape, degeneration, attempted suicide, abortion, sexual relations with everyone, because in the drug world women are worthless.
For a better understanding of this writing, we have published some features of the music and album covers.
The metal is a music culture and has several musical genres, some of them are:
· Gothic: they are a man and a woman singing a duet, the lyrics are pretty depressing and the music is antic.
· Gore's letter of crimes, murder, necrophilia, etc.. This music is special, vibrates and the killers usually hear, the sick and masochistic sex.
In the videos gore is seen when decapitate a person, is the bathroom, wet each other and other aberrations.
· Black Metal: its point is not understood, as it is all shouted as the gore and the guitars sound very fast. The music people who listen to it act with anger and instinctively.
· Death Metal: the same pace of Black, but differs in that its lyrics are of death, suicide, etc..
· Heavy: music is music and people entering the metal genre. His lyrics speak of passages from the Bible, death, disappointment, that life is worthless, and so on.
· Trash Metal: it remains to Heavy. This music very upset people and inciting violence and aggression. It is more instinctive and violent than the Black.
People who listen to Black and Gothic black dress, get tattoos of skulls, tribal, according to the personality of the young.
Album covers:
The album covers depend on the genre of music, but covers a group of heavy that its symbol is a killer android arms and always load.
The covers are PORNOMETAL level genital diseases, such as chancroid, aborted fetuses, a toilet, etc.. Other musical genres used satanic symbols.
Subliminal messages are opened, place them on the covers, in the lyrics of the songs, the message is clear and its consequences are more disastrous in the psyche of young people.