.:Questions and Answers
Why does a child die in his birth?
It is due to the law of Karma. If a mother makes an abortion, her baby will die in its birth. Moreover, there are parents who were cruel with their children in previous lives and will pass through this hard lesson, because by suffering they learn how to love.

Why many people do not believe they had previous lives?
Simply, they do not remember their previous lives because their conscience is completely slept.
Why is there a sensation that being in certain places is like you were already there before?
It is because in previous lives we were already in that place.
After a person dies how long it takes to let him get a new physical body?
It depends on the law of destiny, some people will come back immediately and others will delay long time to return.
Why there are well-rounded people that work without obtain a good position? Why others work with no rest since they were born like they are paying a punishment and others instead live with no more effort?
It is due to the law of karma. If in previous lives we have done good deeds, we will have success in the present; if we have done bad deeds our current life will be a failure. Persons that work hard with no progress, have done other people work in that way in previous lives. They not only exploited people but also were cruel and now are suffering the consequences by working uselessly without progress.
Is it an obligation reincarnate?
While we do not reach the perfection, the Angels of Destiny will send us to this world.
Are all diseases karmic?
Diseases can be karmic or simply accidental.
Talking about destiny, is it true that the days and hours in our life are counted up?

Why there are some people that though making lot of effort they never have friends, while for others it is very easy to make friends anywhere they go?
In previous lives we have had friends and enemies, when we will come back in a new physical body will meet again the same friendships and the same adversaries and every event will repeat identical as it happened in the past. There are people friendless by nature, that when return they will be alone because nobody will get along with them. Others completed their duties and helped the human kind and because of that when they will return in a new physical body they will be really liked by people.
Why are we afraid to die and become attached to life?
The wish to live is very strong because we are attached to the material things and the sensual world. For this reason, we do not like to die, we are afraid to die and do not want to leave existence. By means of self-knowledge and spiritual development we loose our fears and understand that life is an illusion and nothing in this world is permanent, everything pass: ideas pass, things pass, persons pass.
My life has not been that easy!

My sister and I were abandoned by our father at tender ages! Mom brought us up with the assistance of a cruel foster father, the list is strangely long. Could it be karma? What I have read from you, I guess is an eye opener. I hope to learn more from your site. Remain blessed.
I'm currently paying for my very bad deeds...

I actually found this site one time I had subscribed to a pornography website. I bookmarked, read some more and liked it. But today, after a few months, I read and read more. I've now finally got it.I'm currently paying for my very bad deeds, and I'm surviving thanks to my good ones.I have read the punishment for what I have done, and although I knew it was coming, I never thought it would be so harsh. Maybe since I was young and ignorant, I may still have time to reverse my karma? Thanks!!!I 'll send the site to some friends and relatives.
Is it something that happened in the past or is it a curse?

I would like to receive an explanation of what is going on with my family, it must be something that happened in the past or maybe they were all cursed. I am referring to my cousins, they belong to a family of 15 brothers, 4 of them already dead in the last 10 years, all of them with cancer throat. And now, we have been told that another cousin (same family) is suffering with throat cancer. Doctors told us that is very probable that the rest of them suffer also with cancer. Please, give us some enlightening about this situation, so that my family and I could understand what is happening.
I remembered it was me, one of those boys (I am in fact a girl)...

Hello, I'm Ali and as you know I've been taking your classes for almost a year now and I wanna tell you about the strangest dream I have ever had in my entire life, or maybe it was more than just a dream. It happened in fact a few years ago, long before the classes and it had a huge impact on my existence, it changed me completely, made me discover a hidden part of my personality. I have never related this story to anyone, and I can't exactly explain why I didn`t share this experience with you, since you are the only one that can help me.
…Now, I think things through before I say or do something…

Hi, I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed reading your Karma article. I feel that it is not only informative, but thought provoking as well. It certainly keeps me aware of the moral laws which we should all follow and obey and now whenever I feel like saying or doing anything unkind, I think about your article and realize what a mistake I would be making if I proceeded with my actions. Now, I think things through before I say or do something whereas before, I just used to do and say whatever I felt without even considering the implications involved.
Unfortunate One who dies without knowing the reason its existence
My life has not been that easy!

My sister and I were abandoned by our father at tender ages! Mom brought us up with the assistance of a cruel foster father, the list is strangely long. Could it be karma? What I have read from you, I guess is an eye opener. I hope to learn more from your site. Remain blessed.
I'm currently paying for my very bad deeds...

I actually found this site one time I had subscribed to a pornography website. I bookmarked, read some more and liked it. But today, after a few months, I read and read more. I've now finally got it.I'm currently paying for my very bad deeds, and I'm surviving thanks to my good ones.I have read the punishment for what I have done, and although I knew it was coming, I never thought it would be so harsh. Maybe since I was young and ignorant, I may still have time to reverse my karma? Thanks!!!I 'll send the site to some friends and relatives.
…Now, I think things through before I say or do something…

Hi, I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed reading your Karma article. I feel that it is not only informative, but thought provoking as well. It certainly keeps me aware of the moral laws which we should all follow and obey and now whenever I feel like saying or doing anything unkind, I think about your article and realize what a mistake I would be making if I proceeded with my actions. Now, I think things through before I say or do something whereas before, I just used to do and say whatever I felt without even considering the implications involved.
I remembered it was me, one of those boys (I am in fact a girl)...

Hello, I'm Ali and as you know I've been taking your classes for almost a year now and I wanna tell you about the strangest dream I have ever had in my entire life, or maybe it was more than just a dream. It happened in fact a few years ago, long before the classes and it had a huge impact on my existence, it changed me completely, made me discover a hidden part of my personality. I have never related this story to anyone, and I can't exactly explain why I didn`t share this experience with you, since you are the only one that can help me.
Is it something that happened in the past or is it a curse?

I would like to receive an explanation of what is going on with my family, it must be something that happened in the past or maybe they were all cursed. I am referring to my cousins, they belong to a family of 15 brothers, 4 of them already dead in the last 10 years, all of them with cancer throat. And now, we have been told that another cousin (same family) is suffering with throat cancer. Doctors told us that is very probable that the rest of them suffer also with cancer. Please, give us some enlightening about this situation, so that my family and I could understand what is happening.