Salidas en Astral

Hello, I'm Ali, I'm from Romania and I'd like to tell you a few things about me. First I want to say I'm really satisfied with the lectures you've been sending me and I'm looking forward the next ones. I've also been practicing all the techniques and I can say that I read about astral travel and a few hours later, when I went to sleep I had a strange dream. It was probably not quite an astral travel experience, but it was very special to me. In my dream I was trapped somewhere underground, in a dark, cold place. I tried to escape many times, using different tricks and at some point, it's not quite clear to me how it happened, but I found myself free. Then I stopped and I realized nothing was real because I was in a dream. (By the way, when I was little I sometimes asked myself while being asleep: "am I dreaming?"). On that very instant I felt like I was becoming conscious of myself and I started to float .I was free, floating above the roof and then higher, above the city, until I finally touched the clouds, and I went even higher, into another world, a world that exists somewhere in the sky. I found myself in a church's yard very different from the real ones (I am Christian -Orthodox). After a while I heard a voice telling me about a school which classes I was to follow some day if I was able to prove myself on Earth. There were also other people from all over the world who were to follow the same classes, on the same conditions. Then I came back. I didn't even have to keep my eyes closed for a while to remember. I also had other strange dreams, one of them about Jesus giving me messages, and others about one of my reincarnations. Please tell me what all these mean? I've already received twelve of your lectures and I also sent this mail to confirm my desire and my special need of continuing the classes.