
When my father was young and I was 12 years old, he worked at a ranch of a very wealth man that own thousands hectares and heads of cattle. The man got sick and the physicians diagnosed him cancer in the stomach. He was under treatments, went to United States but the cancer was becoming stronger. He was practically hopeless. He was taken to the mamas arhuacos, wise indigenous physicians from Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia. The treatment that they gave him was drink urine. A couple of months later he was completely healed and could eat what he liked. After that, my father got sick of rheumatism and was suffering for 2 years, taken medicines but he was still the same. It was a moment in which he could not sleep; could not get off the bed without help; he was like crippled. In that moment my father remembered the disease and treatment done by his boss. He started drinking the urine. I rubbed the urine in his bones and joints several times per day and before going to bed. He was doing this every day and in a month he began to walk by himself. After 2 months all his pains disappeared and began to work again. Narly. Barranquilla, Colombia.