Carlos Romero

I am Gnostic student, disciple in the Anael Center and my testimony is to people that want to share with me a nice story of my life. I was born in a home with many values and principles that led me to not fall in destructive vices such us masturbation and alcohol. When I was very young I became a prosperous businessman but I had lot of stress, and easily had anger, jealousy, fears, lust. One day something marvelous happened. A great friend told me about Gnosis, a knowledge that could change the course of my life. Thus, I began to practice Gnosis. My life changed, the problems with my partner disappeared, I became tolerant, and calm but everything left consequences: a strong gastritis with an inflammation in the stomach. Everything that I ate did not agree with me. One day I was exhausted and looked for my inner God, my God that is in secret. I worshipped him and prayed a lot and begged him to show me how I could heal myself. I fell sleep and saw that my soul or astral body was leaving my body and I heard a voice telling me drink your urine. I saw myself drinking a glass of urine. I was conscience of the process that the urine was making within me. My stomach was transparent and I saw the urine healing my peelings in my digestive system and how the parasites were dying. I woke up and next day I began to drink it and after two months I am completely heal. Carlos Romero. Barranquilla.