
Hello! I read in your website about contraceptives and tubal ligation. I am impressed and I finally found the answer to my “ Calvary ”. I am a professional and I was married to a doctor who is currently the owner of a polyclinic. When I got pregnant for the first time, before getting married, he made me have an abortion. After we got married he made the decision of getting my fallopian tubes tied. I remember a Gnostic lecturer who advised me no to have that procedure and warned me about the consequences. He said the procedure could even generate bad aftereffects to our relationship.
My husband simply smiled, the lecturer was not a “doctor”. I didn't believe him either. Things happened as the Gnostic had warned us. After the procedure, we started having problems in our intimate life because I didn't accept to have sex with him anymore. It is like being “disconnected” in a way that I don't feel any sensation, no wish for sexual activity at all. That made from our home a living hell and my husband abandoned me. He even tried to legally take my children away from me, but with the help of God and a good lawyer I won the case. After getting my tubes tied, I started experiencing strong bleedings, which forced me to get a surgery. It altered my nerves also; I have obesity problems, mood changes. In brief, the consequences of that procedure are overwhelming, physically and psychologically, and the worst part is that one loses the sexual drive completely.
Please give me some orientation to overcome the psychological trauma I am going through.