
My name is Elena, I'm 23 and I am an alcoholic, started drinking at 15, everything was different back then... started to drink a little at first but over time I did not realize how but I started drinking more and more... I feel I have hit rock-bottom and no longer want to be like this. My parents no longer know how to help me. Most of the times when I was drunk I had sex with young people, who I had not met before, so cheating my boyfriend who was the first man in my life. I have used cocaine more than 3 times and smoked marijuana more than once. I love my boyfriend and he loves me, all I wanted was to marry him, but he told me that if I keep drinking that way he will never marry me. I've been drinking for days and I no longer want to drink alcohol. I have tried to kill myself more than twice and my family is desperate, help me please, My life is hell, I'm an industrial engineer studying to hold a master degree and do not want to end my life ... Help!.