
My name is Carlos and I want to tell you this testimony about alcoholism so that it serves to whom is passing through this situation. I initiated in the alcoholism when I was 13 years old. I remember that close where I lived there were some friends from other city whose parents sent money monthly to pay for their studies and they invited me to their parties and those were the terrible moments in which I began with this vice of alcohol. At the beggining I got drunkard very easily and always vomited which caused that people made always fun of me, now I understand that it was the rejection of my organism to the great amount of alcohol that I had taken. In front of my house also lived a man who was always having parties and hidding from my mother I went to drink and participate in his parties. Useless were the efforts of my family to try to move me away of all of that, because I didn't pay attention to them. It was when I finished my studies in High school and began college that my alcoholic activity was growing up; I frequented bars, discos, etc. Every Friday and Saturday I was feeling the urgent necessity of drink and because at that moment nobody impeded myself to do it I went out to satisfy that "necessity". I got married and went to live to another country where I continued with that bohemian life and it was worse because I had a good job position, earned lot of money and had car.
I was spending money with my friends but I was not anymore the one who got easily drunkard and vomited; now I was "mature" in the alcohol. Everybody praised me because I didn't get drunkard easily and I was the last to leave the parties. All of these had negative effects in the relationship with my family, my wife and my children because although I did my duties with my family they claimed that I preferred be with my friends rather than with them, which it was true. This terrible life even carried me to run the risk of my family life because in an opportunity I was riding my car drunkard and went to the wrong way but at that moment there were no cars on that road otherwise it could have been a terrible disgrace. In other time, I was also riding drunkard with my family and I crashed against a post but nothing happened with my family.
As a result of these and other things that happened to me which were long to tell, I began to reflect. I always unconsciously told myself that there was something that protected me because the life I was carrying it was for something bad were happened to me. It began to birth in me some sort of restlessness and a great desire to change my life. I almost went to Alcoholics Anonymous but I never went because I wanted to look for something different; it didn't attract me the traditional religions until in one opportunity I saw an advertisement in the newspaper inviting to some conferences in a Gnostic center from the city were I lived and I was encouraged to go. I was attending for 2 years the center in that foreign country where I understood and verified that the problem of alcoholism was caused by some defects of psychological type that live in our psyche and they gave me the techniques to eliminate that defects. In the astral or world of the dreams, my Inner God or Inner Teacher showed me that alcoholism was the worse of my defects.
In my dreams I saw myself drunkard lying on the floor and many people surrounded me making fun of myself. There were my defects of alcohol. I came back again to Colombia where I attend since three years the Anael Gnostic Center. In this place it is disclosed to the suffering humanity the techniques to change and improve our lives. I have been working with these psychological techniques and through the self-observation or introspection I have been gradually eliminating this defect which it really have lost strength because I don't want to live the same terrible life in the next lives. I don't need anymore the necessity to drink and all my friends of parties are away from me.