Ana Elisa
Salidas en Astral
I am lucky to have found this page. I think I was about 15 or 16 years old when I had a very odd dream. I went to bed as usual, early, tired and very sleepy as I had a very rough day. I slept face upwards with my back stretched. I dreamt that I was leaving my bedroom, as floating, I left my house, my neighborhood, direct to the sky and taking the same path I used to take to go downtown… …but this time, through the sky. I was flying in my city. I could watch myself over streets, over the buildings. I stepped on terraces observing the movement. I went and came back happy to see all this. I am now 22 years old and I still remember the dream, without realizing why. I just remember the sensation of peace; I was plenty of curiosity and satisfaction for flying. Even nowadays, I feel that I really flew. It was very real! Could it be real? Sometimes I wonder and I try to find out why, the meaning, Can you help me? Thank you. Peace in your heart,