
I will tell you a little bit how my life is about, since I am really needing your advice on a problem that will not let me live in peace. Nine years ago, had a steady partner with whom I have one children. But two years ago my partner began to have a pretty hectic life, and began listening obsessively electronic music and started going to concerts, staying into the wee hours of the morning. In the end I found out that she was using drugs in the midst of these concerts, so I decided to bring her to Spain and keep her away from that world. But she did not withdraw and continued fleeing to those encounters of electronic music. So I had to leave her , about a year ago, as the pain of seeing her in those conditions led me to feeling increasingly depressed. Later one afternoon I got a message on my cell phone saying goodbye forever, when I arrived at the apartment where we used to live I found her dying, because she had swallowed sleeping pills, alcohol and drugs (ecstasy). She stayed for one week in the hospital, until finally she was diagnosed with bipolar affective disorder. She returned to Colombia and stayed in a psychiatric facility for two more weeks. In what ways could I help her to break free from that vice and electronic music? . Please, I will highly appreciate if you could guide me!