
I want to tell you my case. I am a law student and have four more semesters to complete my studies.
About two years and four months ago I got pregnant. That was a beautiful girl that I brought into life to this world. It never crossed my mind the abortion, even though the father of my daughter abandoned me.
But some time after, I felt in love and got pregnant; I though I was going to start a new family but at the end I realized he was a married man. It was late for a regular abortion, so I got a micro cesarean section. When they finished the surgery, I heard a baby crying. When I opened my eyes there was nothing there. Two hours after the operation the nurse told me my baby was still moaning. My soul felt broke, I lived the most horrible nightmare. I regretted what I had just done and asked my baby to be taken to an incubator to try to save her, but I realized that my repentance came too late, my baby girl died at 3 a.m.
That happened almost a month ago. There is no one day that I forget the face of my daughter, her little hands, and I felt horrified when I think the way she suffered having neither oxygen, nor the warm of a mother.
I must tell that I buried her and gave her the name of ANGELA ELIONOR. I don’t know if one day I will forgive myself for what I did, but I can say that I deeply repent and see in my daughter a baby that I killed and didn’t deserve to die.