The following is a dictionary tool. Just a brief guide to help you interpret your dreams:
- Dead: To dream about "seeing oneself dead" might be interpreted as the "elimination of a defect". This dream is a confirmation of "spiritual growth".
- Desert: Loss, initiation way. When someone starts growing spiritually, we day that "initiation way" has started.
- Dog: A "wolf dog attack" might mean a "karma or punishment" that will happen soon. A "friendly dog" is interpreted as a "sincere friend". In general, "a dog attack" represents the "betrayal of a friend". For example, if the "dog is big", then it makes reference to a "close friend". If the "dog bites", then the "traitor will cause damages".
- Donkey : It represents the mind.
- Dragged by a water flow: To dream about "being dragged by a water flow" foretells a "spiritual failure".
- Dressing up rags: To dream about "dressing up rags" might mean that one is going "badly in the spiritual path".
- Excrement: To dream about "excrement" means that "some money will be received". You will receive money, according to the amount of excrement that you have dreamed about.
- Eagle: In the language of dreams, an "eagle" represents the "Holy Ghost". An "eagle flying upwards" represents an upcoming "happy event". An "eagle plunging" represents an "unfortunate event". A "wounded eagle" is the symbol for "ruin". A "dead eagle" might be interpreted as "total ruin".
- Eggs: Dreaming about "seeing one's self carrying eggs" or "chickens hatching out" might be interpreted as "internal (spiritual) birth".
- Elderly man: In the language of dreams an "elderly man" represents "wisdom and comprehension".
- Elephant: In the language of dreams, an "elephant" is the symbol for a "conscience close to wake up".
- Eye: Divine monitoring. This dream must be interpreted as a warning. God is attentive to what is being done.
- Flood plain: Accident, problems.
- Flowers: To dream about "seeing one's self seeding flowers" means "conquest of virtues". A "yellow flower" is a "symbol of danger".
- Flying: Dreaming about "being flying" represents "spiritual profits".
- Fire: In the language of dreams, "fire" is the symbol for "problems, ties, tangles, mess". If the "fire comes from a torch", it is the symbol for a "conscience that must wake up". If the "fire falls from the sky", then it represents a "punishment".
- Fish served on a plate: Abundance of food. Fishing: Ministry. To dream of one's self fishing is an order from the real being of giving God's wisdom to others.
- Fishing alive fish: Physical vitality.
- Fisherman : Symbol of Ministry, preaching.
- Fleas that sting: Critics.
- Garden : Spiritual happiness.
- Garlic: Revelation of some secret.
- Hair of a woman, pulling out: Preoccupation.
- Hat: Immediate trip.
- Hen: In the language of dreams "a hen" is the symbol for "cowardice, shyness". To dream about a "hen laying eggs" means "benefits". On the other hand, a "hen that clucks" means "misfortunes".
- Horse: In the language of dreams, a "horse" represents "the body". A "horse runaway" might be interpreted as a "warning of not being progressing in the spiritual way, so the real being cannot dominate the body". To dream about "falling off a horse" might be interpreted as "losing the spiritual footpath".
- Heat: To dream about "suffering from heat" might be interpreted as upcoming "desperate situations, problems".
- House: In the language of dreams, a "house" is the symbol for "the body". To dream about a "house with holes in the ceiling" might be interpreted as "bad thoughts".
- Island: A close person will leave you.
- Jail: Karma or punishment to pay.
- Killing people : Elimination of defects.
- Lamb: It symbolizes the internal Christ.
- Lamp: In the language of dreams, a "lamp" is the symbol for "wisdom". If the Lamp is dulled, then it means "premature old age".
- Lemon: Misfortunes, adversities.
- Lion: In the language of dreams, a "lion" is the symbol for the "law of God". To dream about a "lion attack" might be interpreted as a "karma to be suffered". Dreaming about "playing with a lion" means the opposite, "not to have karma at the moment". To dream about "seeing a lion" might be interpreted as "upcoming meeting with an important person".
- Leopard: Joy and sadness in a row.
- Letters: Good news.
- Light: It represents faithful friendship.
- Locomotive: In the language of dreams "an electric or steam locomotive" might be interpreted as an "upcoming long trip".
- Mirror : Treason, deceit.
- Money: To dream about "finding some money" means "sadness". To dream about "losing some money" might be interpreted as a "happy business". These dreams are interpreted by Contrary's Law.
- Moon: In the language of dreams the "moon" represents the "egos", the "defects". On the onther hand, "the sun" represents "the conscience".
- Mountain: To dream about "a steep mountain" means that "the goal can be achieving by overpassing the obstacles". If the dreams has a "mountain in flames", it represents "enemies".
- Mud: To dream about "walking on the mud" might be interpreted as "suffering, pain, bitterness, diseases".
- Mule: In the language of dreams, a "mule" represents "involution, being spiritually bad".
Remember that a dream that foretells some painful situation is a warning of what could of happen, but this can be changed by doing some cosmic business.
...he died from diabetes just like in my dream...

I have dreams all the time and some of my dreams came ture. And it's the ones I don't want to come true.1 friend and 2 of my uncles die. And I had dreams about them dying before it happened.The first one was my friend. I didn't think much of the other, then I was afraid of her dying.Then, the 2nd one was my uncle, it started to make me feel bad and I did not no want to tell anything. So, I did nothing because I was afraid it was going to come true like the last one. 2 months later, he died from diabetes just like in my dream.The third one, I told my uncle about my dream.
My mother was a mystic...

My mother was a mystic and I was raised to believe that dreams were as real as the physical world. She would plan our days by our dreams sometimes. She was clairvoint, I thought that everyone had these capabilities naturally. As a young adult, I was surprised at the (I am 59 years) the way people thought my believes were ignorant and superstitious. I was confused. Thank God I found you. I can at times in the dream state astral travel at will. I would say 40% of the time.
Dreaming about "walking naked under the rain"...

A female doctor dreamed about being "naked walking under the rain". The meaning of the dream is "economic karma" (being naked) and "tears, suffering and pain" (the rain). 15 days later, this doctor was fired from the Hospital she works at, and 7 days later, her husband left her (who was also a doctor).
Water right up to my neck...

Teresa Hernández from Spain wrote an email to us explaining some of her messages dream. "In a pair of occasions I have dreamed of myself in water right up to my neck and then I have lived difficult emotional circumstances that have made me feel "drowned". In one of those dreams I tried to swim and next to me there was a neighbor who was also a coworker. A few days later I had many problems with her".
A White Sheet

A friend of mine dreamed about "being naked and somebody covered him with a white sheet". I know that dreaming about "being naked" is interpreted as Karma (punishment). This karma is usually related to the economic part and "the white sheet" might be interpreted as "divine protection". This friend used to drive daily from Barranquilla to Cartagena (Colombian cities) and he always took a shortcut in order to avoid the toll road.
Unfortunate One who dies without knowing the reason its existence
Water right up to my neck...

Teresa Hernández from Spain wrote an email to us explaining some of her messages dream. "In a pair of occasions I have dreamed of myself in water right up to my neck and then I have lived difficult emotional circumstances that have made me feel "drowned". In one of those dreams I tried to swim and next to me there was a neighbor who was also a coworker. A few days later I had many problems with her".
My mother was a mystic...

My mother was a mystic and I was raised to believe that dreams were as real as the physical world. She would plan our days by our dreams sometimes. She was clairvoint, I thought that everyone had these capabilities naturally. As a young adult, I was surprised at the (I am 59 years) the way people thought my believes were ignorant and superstitious. I was confused. Thank God I found you. I can at times in the dream state astral travel at will. I would say 40% of the time.
A White Sheet

A friend of mine dreamed about "being naked and somebody covered him with a white sheet". I know that dreaming about "being naked" is interpreted as Karma (punishment). This karma is usually related to the economic part and "the white sheet" might be interpreted as "divine protection". This friend used to drive daily from Barranquilla to Cartagena (Colombian cities) and he always took a shortcut in order to avoid the toll road.
...he died from diabetes just like in my dream...

I have dreams all the time and some of my dreams came ture. And it's the ones I don't want to come true.1 friend and 2 of my uncles die. And I had dreams about them dying before it happened.The first one was my friend. I didn't think much of the other, then I was afraid of her dying.Then, the 2nd one was my uncle, it started to make me feel bad and I did not no want to tell anything. So, I did nothing because I was afraid it was going to come true like the last one. 2 months later, he died from diabetes just like in my dream.The third one, I told my uncle about my dream.
Dreaming about "walking naked under the rain"...

A female doctor dreamed about being "naked walking under the rain". The meaning of the dream is "economic karma" (being naked) and "tears, suffering and pain" (the rain). 15 days later, this doctor was fired from the Hospital she works at, and 7 days later, her husband left her (who was also a doctor).