When the chicks are scared, they hide under the loving wings of the hen in search of safety. The scared child runs next to his mother, because it makes him feel safety.
It is shown that fear and security search, are closely associated. The man who fears being assaulted by thieves, looks for security on his gun.
The country who fears being attacked by another country, will buy guns, airplanes, warships and will get armies, and they will put itself on the warpath.
Many people that do not know how to work, terrified before the misery, look for security in the crime, and become thieves, robbers, etc.
Many women lack of intelligence, frightened to the posibility of misery, become prostitutes. The jealous man feels fear to lose his wife and looks for security in the gun, he kills, and then it´s clear that he goes to jail.
The jealous wife kills her rival or her husband, and thus, she becomes murderous. She fears to lose her husband, so she wants to make sure that he belongs to her and decide to kill the rival or just resolve killing her husband.
“One day in our city, a woman spilled out gas over his husband and fired him when he arrived drunk, because he was unfaithful. The man died and she was condemned to 20 years of prison".
The landlord, fearful that people do not pay the rent of the house and wanting to make sure to have it, demands rental agreements, guarantors, deposits, etc., and if every landlord of the town do the same, when a poor widow with many children can not fill tremendous requirements, the unhappy woman will have to go to sleep on the streets or in the parks of the city with their children.
All wars have their origin in fear.
The Gestapo, the tortures, the concentration camps, the Siberias, the frightful prisons, banishment, forced works, executions, etc., have its origin in the fear.
Nations attack other nations by fear, seeking safety in the violence. They believe that killing, invading, etc., will become safe, strong, and powerful.
As much in the East as in the West, in the Offices of the Secret Police spies are tortured because espionage is crime, they want to make them to confess in order to find security for the State.
All crimes, all wars, all murder, have their origin in fear and in the Search of Security.
In other times, there was sincerity in people. Today fear and search of security have ended with the wonderful fragrance of
Stalin, the evil and murderous Stalin, stinked out to Russia with his bloody purges. That was the way to look for security.
Hitler organized the Gestapo, the terrible Gestapo for state´s security. There is no doubt that he was afraid of being overthrew, and for that reason he founded the bloody Gestapo.
All the bitterness of this world have their origins in Fear and Search of Security.
School teachers should teach the students the virtue of courage. It is regrettable that children have been educated with fear from their home. Children are threatened, they are intimidated, people terrorized them, they are beat up, etc.
That custom of parents and teachers to fright the boys with the intention of studying. Usually children and young people have been told that if they don´t study they will have to ask for alms, wandering the streets starving, doing very humble jobs such as cleaning shoes, carrying bundles, selling newspapers, working on the plow, etc., as if the work were a crime.
Basically, after all these words of parents and teachers, there is fear by the child, and the search of security for the child. The serious thing of all we are saying is that children and young people get complexed, are filled with fear, and later, in practical life, are people plenty of fear. Parents and teachers who have the bad taste to scare children, youth and ladies, in an unconscious way are heading down the path of crime, as we have told, the crime has its origin in Fear and Search of Security.
Nowadays, Fear and Search of Security have turned the Earth planet into a frightful hell. Everyone is afraid. Everybody wants assurances.
In other times, it was possible to travel freely. Now the borders are full of armed guards, all kind of passports and licenses are required to have the right of moving from one country to another. All of this is the result of Fear and the Search of Security. Everyone who arrives gives insecurity so passports and papers of any kind are required.
Teachers from schools and universities, must understand the horror of all of this, and cooperate for the sake of the world knowing how to educate the new generation, teaching the way of true value.
It is urgent to teach the younger generation not to fear and not to look for security in anything or anyone. It is essential that everyone learns to trust himself. Fear and Search of security are terrible weaknesses that turned life into a frighful hell.
Everywhere abound cowards, the timid, the weak that are always in search of security. Everybody is worried about life, death, of what people is going to say, fearful of losing social position, political position, prestige, money, nice house, beautiful women, good husband, employment, business, monopoly, furniture, car, etc., etc.
We are fearful of everything. You can find everywhre people coward, timid, weak, but no one believe himself a coward, everybody presumes to be strong, courageous, and so on. In all the social classes there are millions and millions of interests that everybody fears to lose it, and therefore everybody looks for assurances that force to become increasingly more complex and actually make life more and more complicated, every time more difficult, every time bitter, cruel and merciless.
All murmuring, all the slander, intrigue, and so on have their origin in the fear and the Search of Security. For not to lose wealth, position, power, prestige, spread slander, gossip, murder is commited, kill in secret is payed, etc. The powerful of Earth are given the luxury of having hired murderers and highly paid, with the aim of eliminating anyone who threatens eclipses. They love power for power, and they assure it bassed in lot of money and blood.
Newspapers, constantly have shown news of many suicide cases.
Many peolple believe that commit suicide is courageous, but the person who decide to commit suicide is coward that is afraid of living and looks for assurance in death. Some war heroes were known as weak and coward people, but when they were face to face with death, their fear was frightful, that turned into terrible beasts looking for security for their lifes, making a supreme effort against death. Then, they are named as heroes.
Fear is often confused with value. Whoever commits suicide seems very brave, someone who is a gunman seems very courageous, but actually who commits suicide and gunmen are cowards. Anyone who is not afraid of life is not suicidal. If people do not fear of anybody, do not have a gun.
It is urgent that school teachers teach the citizen what is the value of truth and what is fear, in a clear and precise way.
Fear and Search of Security have turned the world into a dreadful hell.
Esta falsa educación sexual

Esta falsa educación sexual que se imparte en los colegios está destruyendo la vida de nuestros hijos. Mi hermana tiene una niña de 13 años y ella comenzó a sentir y sufrir por dolores en el bajo vientre. La llevaron al médico y le formularon toda clase de calmantes, pero el dolor persistía. Por indicación del médico se le realizó una ecografía y resultó que la niña tenía colocado el Dispositivo intrauterino. Mi hermana está desesperada por esta situación. ¡Sigan adelante con su enseñanza!. Bertha, Chile.
Amigos del Centro Gnóstico Anael

Amigos del Centro Gnóstico Anael, los felicito por este documento que acabo de leer sobre la educación sexual en Colombia, (si es que se puede llamar educación). Yo creo que se debe hacer una campaña extraordinaria para que se corrija tan nefasto sistema, en donde se han perdido todos los valores morales y espirituales y están llevando a nuestra juventud a un total desastre, puesto que considero que estas cifras dadas por ustedes son apenas un pequeño porcentaje de la realidad de todo el país.
Tengo una sobrina de 5 años de edad

Tengo una sobrina de 5 años de edad y al parecer vió un acto sexual tal vez por televisión y ahora solo piensa en que quiere tener relaciones sexuales. ¿Qué podremos hacer para que no piense en eso, o en caso, para tratarla? Somos una familia de pocos recursos. Carolina, Ecuador.
Con toda la filosofia que aprendimos, deberiamos acoger la vida y la muerte con risas.
Amigos del Centro Gnóstico Anael

Amigos del Centro Gnóstico Anael, los felicito por este documento que acabo de leer sobre la educación sexual en Colombia, (si es que se puede llamar educación). Yo creo que se debe hacer una campaña extraordinaria para que se corrija tan nefasto sistema, en donde se han perdido todos los valores morales y espirituales y están llevando a nuestra juventud a un total desastre, puesto que considero que estas cifras dadas por ustedes son apenas un pequeño porcentaje de la realidad de todo el país.
Esta falsa educación sexual

Esta falsa educación sexual que se imparte en los colegios está destruyendo la vida de nuestros hijos. Mi hermana tiene una niña de 13 años y ella comenzó a sentir y sufrir por dolores en el bajo vientre. La llevaron al médico y le formularon toda clase de calmantes, pero el dolor persistía. Por indicación del médico se le realizó una ecografía y resultó que la niña tenía colocado el Dispositivo intrauterino. Mi hermana está desesperada por esta situación. ¡Sigan adelante con su enseñanza!. Bertha, Chile.
Tengo una sobrina de 5 años de edad

Tengo una sobrina de 5 años de edad y al parecer vió un acto sexual tal vez por televisión y ahora solo piensa en que quiere tener relaciones sexuales. ¿Qué podremos hacer para que no piense en eso, o en caso, para tratarla? Somos una familia de pocos recursos. Carolina, Ecuador.