A vasectomy is a surgical operation performed to make a man sexually sterile. In a vasectomy the two vas deferens, ducts through which sperm passes from the testis, are located after a small incision in the scrotum. The urologist cuts out a portion of each, ties or coagulates the ends, and sutures the cut. Usually done under local anesthesia, the operation is relatively painless, although some swelling and tenderness are common afterward, and the recovery period is brief.
Recent scientific studies have revealed that vasectomy may cause serious health problems due to immune reactions.
After a vasectomy, the sperm production is the same as before, around 50,000 spermatozoa every minute. Lacking a normal anatomical passage, these cells are either consumed by destroyer cells (macrophages) or degenerate and produce antigens, which cause antibodies to be produced that will remove the sperm from the system. These antigens frequently will infiltrate into the bloodstream and other cells throughout the body begin to manufacture antibodies against the sperm. These are "anti-sperm autoantibodies."
Antibodies are the way we immunize ourselves to specific diseases from the outside environment.
Antigens are merely the triggering mechanism the body needs in order to produce the right antibodies for its defense. An allergic reaction in which the body becomes highly sensitive to a particular kind of food cell is an example of this mechanism's effect.
When the body generates its defenses to ward off cells of its own making, as after a vasectomy, the body becomes "auto-immune,"--allergic to itself. Many studies have found these antibodies in response to the sperms antigens in many vasectomized men.
Auto-immunity has been implicated in multiple sclerosis, diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis some types of hepatitis, Addison's disease (malfunctioning adrenal glands) and lupus erythematosis.
A study by Thomas B. Clarkson and Nancy J. Alexander concluded that "the immunologic response to sperm antigen that often accompanies vasectomy can exacerbate atherosclerosis”. Atherosclerotic diseases, such as coronary thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, thrombophlebitis, artritis, and angina pectoris, are aggravated by high cholesterol intake.
Dr. Roberts' analysis of his own patients found a high correlation between systemic diseases and men with fairly recent vasectomies. He noted sudden occurrences of thrombophlebitis, pulmonary embolism, lymph node enlargements, joint inflammation, severe narcolepsy (uncontrollable sleeping), hypoglycemia, diabetes mellitus, hormonal imbalances, liver dysfunctions, skin eruptions, inflammation of the heart lining, inflamed prostate glands, pulmonary fibrosis, allergic disorders, acute multiple sclerosis, and altered blood coagulation.
A 1966 study of vasectomy patients and their wives by Dr. Frederick Ziegler found "striking adverse changes” and personality disorders.
Any person contemplating sterilization is, or should be, told that the operation is relatively irreversible. Only about 33% of vasectomy and tubal reversals are functionally successful.[25] When a person takes such an irrevocable course of action, it is psychologically difficult for him or her to admit that a mistake has been made. This explains why the number of those willing to recommend or express satisfaction with sterilization is always higher than the number of patients who have no complaints about the actual results of their own operation.
As Dr. Wolfers explains this discrepancy in the questionnaires received from patients, "The need to convince ourselves is served by convincing others".
Thus, a study of 1,191 vasectomized participants in a sterilization campaign in India revealed a high percentage of decreased sexual desire among those surveyed. However, 92% of that same group expressed satisfaction with the operation.
There is a crying need for research on the social consequences of sterilization. One concern is the implication of viewing one-s body as a machine that can be disconnected if one of its functions is no longer necessary. This has grave consequences. Cats and dogs are spayed in order to suit the convenience of their masters. But who are the masters in the human social order? Can voluntary sterilization lead to forced sterilization? Yes. Perhaps the greatest social danger from “voluntary sterilization” is that it is only a half step away from “forced sterilization”.
If people are led to ignore the reality that deliberate sterilization is a serious evil and are instead led to think it is a morally neutral action. the way is paved for forced sterilization. In any decent social order citizens may be morally forced to do certain things. But they may not morally be forced to perform evil actions or be forced to consent to them For example traffic laws force us not to exceed certain speed limits. But there is nothing inherently evil in driving slower. Thus legitimate traffic laws are a morally justified form of coercion.
However, sterilization attacks the integrity of the human person. While this may sometimes be justified as a punishment for crime, the evil of sterilization may not be forced upon anyone as a matter of social policy. However, the Nazis sterilized those considered “unfit” by Nazi standards and Indira Gandhi launched a massive coerced sterilization drive that finally brought about a revolt of the masses and led to her electoral defeat. In the United States, Margaret Sanger, the founders of Planned Parenthood, advocated sterilization of the poor and there have been other attempts to use sterilization for forced population control.
Recently, it has been conducted a publicity, mainly oriented for men, favoring the Vasectomy. Famous singers from Mexico and Dominican Republic performed vasectomy. In Colombia, Juvencio Grueso a man displaced by violence from Cauca province, because of the hunger of his 8 children entered the office of the Network of Solidarity and retained the workers with a knife. Since then, he became a national celebrity to whom many people supported and convinced him to perform vasectomy. He had the surgery and the case attracted wide publicity.

We need to be careful with this publicity, because Vasectomy has many complications: Hematoma, which is the blood accumulated in the scrotum. The epidimytis, which is the inflammation of the epididymis in the upper portion of the testis and causes headache, pain, discomfort and requires rest and antibiotics. Most serious are the antibodies anti-sperm, because the testicles continuing to produce sperms which cannot find the way to go to the exterior, and accumulate by forming little nodules or sperm granules. These granules are part of an immune reaction, which protects the man against its own sperm.
Thus, any amount of sperm made by the testicle will be destroyed, as if they were a disease. As a consequence, the man becomes sexual impotent. We have known several cases. Another complication is that the antibodies anti-sperm when destroy their own cells can enter into a process of cellular confusion and destroy other cells of the body generating the autoimmune diseases like diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. A vasectomized man has the tendency to gain weight, especially in the lower part of the body, in the gluteus. We know several men that become obese like spayed animals. Studies conducted in Oregon (EEUU) showed that Vasectomy accelerates the hardness of the arteries and for this reason vasectomized men have more probability to suffer from heart strokes.
Yes, in Deuteronomy 23,1 “No one whose testicles have been crushed or whose penis has been cut off may be admitted into the community of the LORD”.
The Gnostic knowledge and science open the doors of the true knowledge to everybody who wants to know the wise and conscience sex (the kriya-yoga), which is the perfect method of birth control and allows the humankind to the spiritual freedom.
"Los textos son las hojas del arbol; lo que hay que buscar es la raiz."