.: The S.O.L. technique.
(This section is based on the book "Treatise of Revolutionary Psychology" by Samael Aun Weor)
The first step to wisdom is based on physicological self-discovery, to be able to know the defects that constitute the darkness and to eliminate them, to be illuminated with the light of consciousness and spirit.
The defect or "ego", that is like a person who thinks, feels and acts through us, must be eliminated, but before eliminating it, it should be comprehended by means of dividing the attention in three parts: Subject, Object and Location; through the SOL technique.
This technique is perfect to know and eliminate the ego.
In this part of the SOL technique, you, from moment to moment and from instant to instant, ask yourself: "What am I thinking? What I am feeling?" If you are thinking something, some memory, some uncertain future event, in an argument, etc, you must remember that behind every though there is a defect causing our consciousness to sleep. In that very moment you must make the following petition to eliminate that defect: "Divine Mother, eliminate this thought and this feeling".
For example: if you are mad at your wife, you think that marrying her was a mistake, that she is lunatic, insane, like a viper, etc. You must eliminate each one of the negative thoughts you have had against her, so as you eliminate those thoughts and defects, you will avoid the stress, an argument, an enmity, o family fight, etc.
Now, if it is a lust defect, you must eliminate each one of its parts, you must decompose the defect. For example: If you like something about a woman like her voice, her legs, her lips, her suit, etc., you must ask for each one of the parts of that lust defect to be eliminated. Example: if you like her voice, you ask: "Divine Mother, eliminate this thought and this defect that likes the voice of that person", etc.
If you believe about yourself as a great, wise, powerful, etc, that is a defect of pride, it must be eliminated in all his parts. Every time that a defect is eliminated, one part of consciousness is released and secretly your Internal Master will give you wisdom about the divine; but for that, you must try not to forget ever about your real being and to practice the SOL technique at every moment.
You must dissect the defect, which consists in dividing it into parts to eliminate each one independently. The comprehension is a faculty of the consciousness that develops simultaneously with observation and elimination of the defect.
Assume that you are going to ask some money borrowed, a defect thinks inside you and programs you making you believe that your friend is going to lend you that money. But, what happens? Your friend doesn't lend you the money, you get angry and finish the friendship…The truth is that you should never be "programmed" for things, furthermore, if you are going to ask someone to lend you money, you must understand than that person, even being your friend, is free to lend or not the money to you and thereby you should respect his or her free will.
The self-observation (to observe what we think and feel) is a soul virtue that is atrophied in all human beings, but if we have will power and ask ourselves constantly: "What I am feeling? What I am thinking? We will comprehend and understand the defect; the self-observation faculty of the consciousness will grow progressively.
When someone practices the SOL technique through the questions "What I am feeling?", "What I am thinking?" and observes what the variety of thoughts and feelings, the consciousness acts and the self-discovery occurs. There also happens to be self-revelation, that's why the consciousness allows us to understand the defect. Hence, understanding is a mandatory step towards elimination.
The important part within the field of self-discovery is to never forget one's self by practicing with the question "What amd I thinking?" as many times as possible.
When understanding the defect, the disciple must be careful with the inner Pilate, that inner force that never accepts his own mistakes. That force makes us accuse others. For example, if you feel angry, you are guilty due to your own anger defect. If we don't accept our own mistakes, our suffering will continue because the defect will not be eliminated.
We should know the dream of our consciousness happens through our own thoughts. Remember that THINKING is DREAMING. We, human beigns, are dreaming all day long because we forget about ourselves. When we practice the SOL technique, the light of the consciousness hits the subconscious mind and let us know the defect that must be eliminated later.
If that person repeats this technique permanently the powerful sense of the INTUITION starts to grow.
If we miss any detail of a certain defect, that defect will continue living until we discover the missing element. For example, once I needed to eliminate a lust defect and it was difficult to do it. I begged my divine mother but the defect was still there, I practiced a more rigurous observation and noticed that I liked her eyes. I discovered that detail, I asked for hel to the divine mother on that specific detail and the strength of the defect diminishes in a great manner.
Besides the questions "What am I feeling?", "What am I thinking?" you must ask yourself "What am I doing?" And to become conscious about what you are doing, if you are eating, then eat; if your are dressing up, then dress; if you are walking on the street, walk; then walk but don't think about anything else, do only what you are currently doing.
This action without distraction, without fantasies, awakes inside us the powerful sense of INTUITION. This intuitive action will lead us toward the awakening of the consciousness.
If we are driving a car and chatting on whatsapp, if we are eating and thinking about business is clear that we are dreaming. We are not awake, we are dreaming. If we are working and thinking about a friend or enemy, etc., is clear that we are dreaming.
We must awake our consciousness and eliminate the defects to comprehend what Saint Paul says: "Awake, you who sleep, arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light". Ephesians 5,14.
The last questions that you should ask yourself are the following: "Where am I?", "Is there something rare or unusual in this location?" When you make yourself these questions you must observe carefully the place where you are, the people, the objects, etc., if you see something rare, you must ask yourself if you are in the third or fourth dimension, stretch one of your fingers, or jump with the intention of floating.
This practice is very useful because it will repeat itself while you sleep and are in the forth dimension. Because there is no gravitation law but levitation, you will jump and you will be floating, and you will be conscious that you are in that moment in the fourth dimension.
Same happens when your pull a finger, because the astral body is elastic and the finger will stretch, so you will get awake in the astral realm.
In every self-observation with the SOL technique there is self-discovery, which means, the light of consciousness will let us discover our defects and there is self-revelation. This way the consciousness will let us the comprehension of the defect. The comprehension is a required step for the elimination. The most important thing is not to forget about your real being and to perform the SOL technique from moment to moment.
In the comprehension of the defect you have to be careful about the internal Pilate that is the one that always washes his hands; never takes responsibility, always blames others; for example, if you feel angry, you are the responsible for that defect. If you do not assume responsibility for your anger, your suffering will continue due to the fact that the defect will not be eliminated.
We do know that through thought we make our consciousness to sleep; remember "to think is to dream". The human being spends every day sleeping and thereby he or she forgets about himself or herself. When we perform the SOL technique, the light of consciousness illuminates the subconscious and will allow us to know the defect we want to eliminate.
The Transformation of Impressions.
Impressions are all the perceptions of objects, sounds, smells, tastes, etc., that penetrate through our physical senses. The ideal would be that every human being would learn to transform the impressions that penetrate him or her through their physical senses. If we don't transform our impressions, they will pass through our false personality and revive old defects or create new ones. If we transform impressions, the consciousness will receive them and they will act like energy, being used by the consciousness to feed itself for its own spiritual development.
When the consciousness transforms the impressions, we don't react mechanically or negatively because consciousness is love, comprehension and forgiveness. The impression, either anger, lust, pride, etc., if it is not transformed, for association revives similar scenes that happened in time and space and the defect thinking about those past scenes, will sleep our consciousness making us to forget about ourselves, submerging us in a world of dreams, fantasy, illusions, desires, hate, etc.
To transform the impressions we must practice the SOL technique from moment to moment, to observe internally and psychologically what we are thinking and feeling. If we discover a thought, we try to comprehend it, dissect it and eliminate it (remember to make the petition to your Divine Mother).
This practice performed permanently will lead us to a point where the consciousness will transform the external world impressions; they will not penetrate inside us in a mechanic way with its painful consequences. So, if you receive an impression of anger because you didn't like something about your wife, and you react with violence and aggression, you might end up divorced, you will give your children bad example, etc.; but if you transform that impression, the result will be totally different.
If Human Kind would practice these teachings and learned to transform the impressions and to eliminate the defects, there would be no violence, deaths, jails, but comprehension, cooperation and love. All of these psychological practices are wonderful and give excellent results. If you practice them, you will start to change and will be more lovable to other people, will be less likely to disease and you will live better. These practices have been proved by thousands of sincere students of Gnostic science.
Check out this video: https://youtu.be/9XkqVrhnhUo
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