.: Is masturbation harmful?
Like affective-spiritual function, Freud affirms that sex is the product of the union of a man and a woman who love and complement each other.
Masturbation as a solitary vice stimulate EROTIC FANTASY which produces trought time women rejection (or viceversa), brain exhaustion and sexual impotence.
SAMAEL AUN WEOR affirms in chapter "Normal Sexuality" of his book PERFECT MATRIMONY: "Sexual fantasy produces impotence of a psychosexual type. People with that kind of illness have normal erections; they are apparently normal men, but in the moment in which they try to connect the penis and the vulva, the erection abates making the phallus fall, leaving the man in the most horrible state of desperation. They have lived in sexual fantasy and when they really find themselves facing the crude sexual reality which has nothing to do with fantasy, they become confused and are unable to properly respond to reality".
Psycho-sexual impotence is the worst tragedy that men, fanatic women or reasoning people can suffer.
Fornication is not only physical but also can occur on the mental and astral worlds, some people are used to talk about lust, others read pornography on magazines, go to the movies for erotic and passionate films, people spend lots of reserves of sexual energy. Those persons use the most delicate and fine material of sex in their brutal metal passions, spending it miserably. Human being must learn to live sexually.
The external temperature of the human body is 98°F, but the internal is 100°F and this increases with masturbation.
When the adolescent finishes masturbating, a peristaltic movement of absorption takes place and by effect of the emptiness, the seminal vesicle tries to fill and humid air is absorbed through the penis which is later absorbed from the seminal vesicle to the lymphatic system, arriving at the brain producing a thermal shock and cold spaces between the cerebral neurons and cells and this affects cerebral, physical and nervous normality.
Seminal vesicle could absorb sperms instead of air, but this is not possible because sperms have already been expelled; besides, it is easier to suck air than liquid Concerning this cold air absorbed by the masturbating one, SAMAEL AUN WEOR, philosopher, anthropologist, esoteric scholar, sexologist and contemporary psychologist, in the chapter "Sexology" of his book DIDACTIC OF SELF-KNOWLEDGE, affirms: "Concerning masturbating ones, you certainly know what the vice of masturbation is. When somebody masturbates, is committing a crime against nature. After entity of semen has been ejaculated, it remains such a peristaltic movement in the phallus, this is known by every man. When masturbating, cold air is absorbed by the phallus with the peristaltic movement. This goes later to the brain, therefore many cerebral faculties are exhausted. Innumerable men have become insane because of the abominable vice of masturbation. A full air brain is a stupid brainin a one hundred percent. So, we condemned this vice in a one hundred percent".
.: Consequences during puberty.
Sperms contain DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid), carrier of the heredity genetic code and determinative for the sexual aspect; RNA (Ribonucleic Acid), enzymes, proteins, glucosides, lecithin, calcium, phosphorus, biological salts, testosterone, etc. when masturbation is carried out, all of these components are extracted from the organism which does not allow a normal development when is during adolescence, because this same energy is the one that is going to help him/her to develop.
Masturbation exhausts the calcium of the organism causing pains in the bones and fatigue in the legs. Strong bones indicate virility. It is known that red cells and platelets are formed in the bony marrow. The masturbating adolescent does not allow a good formation of his/her bony marrow and this brings consequences to him/her for the rest of life. When exhausting the phosphorus by masturbation, nervous problems and tremors are generated. With masturbation lecithin is exhausted too, and this generates nervous exhaustion, that is a general lethargy of nerves.
Doctor Spitake, American anatomical notable specialized in psychiatry and who was president of the Neurological Society of New York, in his book "Creator Energy", says that several types of madness are generated for sexual abuse and masturbation, since the brain is compounded mainly of lecithin and when losing it in the seminal unloading, the organism must use tissue and brain nerves instead.
When the young masturbates, he doesn't care about the time and loses his sexual energy very fast. This generates PREMATURE EJACULATION on a psychological level. In addition, masturbation produces expansion of the sphincters which increases even more the PREMATURE EJACULATION.
In each ejaculation a man loses from 300 to 400 millions of spermatozoa with their great capacity of energy. What could a human being do if he knew the mystery of the philosophical stone and learned how to release this energy of sperms within his own organism? The result would certainly be the superman.
The prostate is a gland located exactly at the bladder neck, this secretes an off-white and viscous liquid that serves as vehicle for sperms. This gland normally completes its development at the age of 21. When a person starts masturbating before completing his development (21 in men), the prostate is atrophied and this originates prostitis when being on the forties, that is the enlargement of this gland which prevents from urinating and obligates to use a catheter. Later on, he must be operated and this gland is extirpated. This operation as well as vasectomy generates SEXUAL IMPOTENCE.
Children from a masturbating father are not healthy at all, they have many problems because they are the product of a very worn-out seed.
Masturbation also occurs in women and this is something painful and cruel. Masturbation generates SEXUAL IMPOTENCE and premature aging. It is known of many impotent men before the 40's.
Melatonin is the hormone of eternal youth, director and absolute governor of the aging process. It is widely produced during youth and its production decreases after 25 years.
Young masturbating people exhaust the melatonin, atrophying the pineal gland which diminishes their magnetic field and take them through a fast process of aging.
Masturbation also occurs in women and this is something painful and cruel. As in men, female masturbation brings similar consequences. The brain development is affected, as well as the nervous system. It can also occurs: Sexual frigidity, physical exhaustion; memory, vitality and magnetism loss. he worst consequences occur in the sexual and psycho-social behaviour. Her sexual drive is less and less and she finally ends up rejecting man. On the other hand, when a young woman does not masturbate, she keeps her vitality, beauty, magnetism, strength and good pitch in her voice, etc. You should avoid watching pornography and participating in dirty conversations. You should always choose having healthy friends.
In his book FUNDAMENTAL EDUCATION, in the chapter "Adolescence", Samael Aun Weor says: "There are criminal silences and there are also disgraceful words. To keep to ourselves the sexual problem is a crime. To talk about it mistakenly is also a crime ".
"Vice of masturbation totally ruins the brain's potency. It is necessary to know of an intimate relation between semen and brain. It is necessary to semen the brain and to brain the semen. To semen the brain is possible by transmuting the sexual energy, sublimating it, turning it into brain's potency. In this form we can semen the brain and brain the semen".
"Gnostic Science studies endocrinology in depth and teaches methods and systems to transmute the sexual energies. How many faces that could have been beautiful fade away! How many brains are degenerated! Everything by lack of a warning shout in the right moment".
"Vice of masturbation, as much in young men as in young ladies has become commoner than washing hands. Mental hospitals are full of men and women who ruined their brain with the sickening vice of masturbation. Mental hospitals are the destiny of masturbating people".
.: How can I stop masturbating?
First of all, we are pleasant to let you know that many masturbating young guys have come to our Gnostic Center and all of them have been over masturbation. Why not you?
You must learn how to eliminate that self of masturbation with the techniques taught in our sectionAwaking conscience. Haven't you read them yet? Well, finish reading these articles and go reading them...
Learn these techniques and use them whenever the self of masturbation is trying to act through your mind, body, etc. At first, it might be a little difficult, but then it will turn into something easy to control. You will be able to eliminate this vice. When somebody who masturbates over and over stops doing it, a great deal of mental and physical energy is felt and this encourages and helps the person to quit masturbating, facing up to reality with no fear.
For those interested in learning our techniques of sexual transmutation for single people, please visit the page The Egyptian Pranayama (Practice to avoid nocturnal pollutions).
Practice healthy habits: Avoid porn, dirty jokes, unhealthy friends, lustful groping, etc.
- Don't wear tight underpants.
- Do not overeat beef, mainly at supper. (eating one animal protein a day during lunch might be enough).
- Study our web sites about sex, read carefully all the articles: Understanding all of this is very important...
- I invite you to sign up for our free online course. Through it, you will learn psychological techniques that must be used in order to eliminate the masturbation defect from both psychical and physical point of view. I can honestly tell you that we have helped many disciples this way.
lo peor es que estoy sintiendo ciertos sentimientos homosexuales
¡Hola! Mi nombre es Carlos, tengo 18 años. Mi problema es el siguiente:Empecé a masturbarme muy temprano, como a los 11 ó 12 años, sin saber qué era lo que estaba haciendo. Después lo comprendí.
... Quisiera saber cómo recuperar todo lo que he perdido…
Para estar seguro del buen sentido, es necesario ir lejos de la ciencia, porque ella se ha vuelto peligrosa. Muchos sitios en internet dicen que para la salud y el bienestar, la masturbación es una virtud medicinal, esto con fines capitalistas, en detrimento de los valores humanos y de la salud. Es por eso que la verdad ha sido siempre perseguida y muerta. Estos “científicos” me han animado en esta práctica inmoral, animal y peligrosa.
joven solicita ayuda...
Hola... Tengo 21 años y me masturbo desde los 12; todo empezó por ignorancia, me masturbaba y no sabía que era, ni que lo que hacía se llamaba así,...Soy un joven que nació en un hogar cristiano, siempre busqué servir y agradar a Dios, y alejarme de los vicios y del pecado.Nunca cedí a la presión de grupo de tomar o fumar, y claro... tampoco pensaba en tener relaciones sexuales,... pero caí en la masturbación, sin saber qué era y que era malo,...
...¡muy bien, sigan así!…
Sus artículos son bienvenidos, ¡muy bien, sigan así!. Dicen buenas cosas en este artículo, la gente tiene que saberlo y entender la forma correcta de vivir. Hoy en día la gente es degradante y sólo quiere sexo a toda hora y en todas partes. Si la gente supiera el daño que causa la masturbación, la castración y las píldoras, no continuarían creando el loco mundo que tenemos. Sigan, los exhorto a escribir otros artículos como ese.
… la masturbación es muerte…
Me parece una excelente página la vuestra. Quiero comentar mi caso: tengo 23 años, y sólo hasta hace pocos meses he descubierto la aberración que significa masturbarse. Lo he hecho en toda mi adolescencia. Me conmueve en el alma vuestro comentario cuando afirma: “Un adolescente o joven que se masturba se desgasta física e intelectualmente”. Siento y con el ánimo de morir ahora mismo, lo afirmo, que es este mi caso y ahora entiendo por qué me he sentido siempre inferior a la gente que me rodea.
"El sabio sabe que ignora."
Tengo miedo por lo que me está pasando
tengo 21 años próximo a cumplir 22, y desde los 13 me masturbo diariamente, e incluso, dos a tres veces al día. Todo comenzó cuando ví una película pornográfica de casualidad y desde entonces no he dejado la masturbación que creo, ya se hizo en mí un hábito difícil de dejar; hoy en día he tratado de dejar este vicio y no puedo, tengo ansiedad por seguir masturbándome.
Masturbador exhibicionista...
Debo aceptar que me da mucha pena lo que voy a comentar sobre mi vida sexual, pero les aseguro es completamente verídica. Cuanto tiempo ciego, cuanto tiempo culpando a mis padres, cuanto tiempo enojándome con mi esposa para mantenerla lejos de mi y así poder masturbarme y exhibirme en publico, hasta me divorcie de ella y me volví a casar con ella misma al comprender que el error era mío. Cuántas veces quedarme sin dinero para poder pagar a los policías su complicidad de dejarme libre, pues debo anotar que nadie de mi familia y nadie en general de mis conocidos, se enteraron ni se han enter
...Estoy desesperada, ...quiero dejar este vicio ...
Leí sobre los testimonios y obviamente sobre la página de masturbación. Yo me siento igual que esos muchachos, sé que esto está muy mal, en ocasiones he tratado de dejarlo, pero me es imposible. El sentimiento de culpa es indescripitible. Después de que lo hago me odio y me siento como una porquería, siento que tengo un demonio adentro que no me permite dejarlo. Me masturbo desde los 15 años y ahora tengo 25. Recuerdo que hubo un tiempo que lo dejé como por 6 meses y pensé que ya lo había superado, pero luego empecé y ahora estoy realmente desesperada por dejarlo, mas aún cuando siento
... ya no me masturbo…
Quiero agradeceros muchísimo por haberme contestado. Gracias a vuestros consejos hace una semana ya no me masturbo, porque he leído las consecuencias. Vuestro sitio es muy importante para toda la humanidad. Yo creo que OMS tendría que ayudaros económicamente y que tendríais que ser conocidos fuera de internet. Yo hablaré de vosotros cuanto más pueda. Muchísimas gracias.
La masturbación no es buena, no es normal
Comencé a los 13 años con este maldito vicio de la pornografía al mirar una película pornográfica que trajo una vez mi padrastro. Ahora tengo 21 y no puedo creer que he pasado 8 años masturbándome. Y es cierto lo que ustedes dicen, la masturbación no es buena, no es normal, sólo causa problemas y más problemas. Te hace perder juventud, pierdes vitalidad, aparentas más edad, te haces solitario, te haces antisocial, rechazas a tu familia, sientes temor de enfrentarte a las mujeres.