The key to be wise is always based on the knowledge of one's self


Learning how to manage that marvelous energy of sex means become a master of creation


The law of karma is the law that links in a wise and intelligent manner the effect with its cause. Everything good or bad that we have done in any of our lives will bring good or bad consequences for this or coming existences.


The humanity is living very difficult moments. 

The man has forgotten of “himself” and commits mistakes, which consequences are the pain and diseases.


St. Paul tells us in the Bible: "You possess fleshly body and spiritual body." We have Practices for yourself to see your soul leave the body ...

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El desdoblamiento astral
El Desdoblamiento Astral

Nosotros los seres humanos, en nuestro diario vivir, somos manejados por fuerzas subjetivas e inconscientes, a través de las cuales se manifiesta el pensar, el sentir y el actuar humano. A esas fuerzas inconscientes, las religiones les llaman pecados, en la Gnosis, les llamamos yoes ó defectos. Esas fuerzas, esos defectos de tipo sicológico residen en nuestro subconsciente.

Detrás de nuestra cara de santos se esconde el EGO.

El subconsciente es llamado en la Ciencia Gnóstica: la ciudad psicológica. En nuestra ciudad sicológica residen Yoes o defectos de Ira, orgullo, robo, vanidad, pereza, lujuria, codica, violencia, egoismo y sus miles de manifestaciones. Esos defectos han sido creados a través del tiempo y del espacio, vienen por tanto de nuestras vidas anteriores.

El ser humano es un compuesto de cuerpo y alma.

Explicamos: El ser humano es un compuesto de cuerpo y alma, pero más que cuerpo es un alma. Estos cuerpos están unidos por un cordón de plata. San Pablo nos dice en la Biblia: "Poseéis cuerpo carnal y cuerpo espiritual".

Cuando la persona duerme, el ALMA o cuerpo astral sale del cuerpo físico por la glándula pineal rumbo a la quinta dimensión o mundo de los sueños. 

En el sueño nos vemos como en una película, en donde cada  uno es el actor principal. En el sueño y con el ALMA en estado inconsciente, sin saber el por qué, podemos viajar a otras ciudades, a otros países, hablar con personas que no conocemos, hablar con las ALMAS de personas que ya murieron, ver cosas que van a suceder, etc.

Al despertar, el ALMA penetra nuevamente al cuerpo físico y es posible que la persona traiga o no el recuerdo de sus sueños.

Disponemos de prácticas para que usted mismo vea salir su alma del cuerpo, su cuerpo físico acostado y posteriormente se desplace conscientemente a cualquier lugar del espacio infinito. 


.:La Salida en Astral.

Existe una ciencia y una sabiduría desconocida por la ciencia moderna. Los sabios y Maestros del pasado conocían la forma de viajar mas allá del tiempo y del espacio, para descubrir los secretos del Universo.


Por siglos esta información se ha mantenido oculta, pero en esta página revelaremos este misterio. Entregamos la llave para penetrar conscientes a la 5ª dimensión de la naturaleza, al mundo de lo desconocido, al mundo de las grandes revelaciones, o sea, la región astral.

Los iniciados, para viajar a esa 5ª dimensión utilizamos una poderosa clave: El desdoblamiento Astral.

El desdoblamiento astral consiste en desprenderse a voluntad del cuerpo físico a la hora de dormir y viajar a la 5ª dimensión superior, también conocida como la Primera Región de los Cielos.

Con el desdoblamiento astral podrás adquirir la sabiduría de los profetas, viajar a lugares jamás imaginados, ver el pasado y el futuro, conocer civilizaciones de otros planetas y abrir las puertas al conocimiento universal. 


.:Práctica para salir en astral

Usted se acuesta y relaja su cuerpo para eliminar la tensión muscular. Coloca la mano izquierda sobre el corazón y luego la derecha sobre la izquierda. Lleva la atención al corazón y ora El Padre Nuestro, solicitando a su Dios interior, le ayude a salir en cuerpo astral. Para facilitar la salida consciente en cuerpo astral, pronuncie un mantram o palabra de poder: FARAON; esta se pronuncia de la siguiente forma: FAAA RRRAAA OOONNN.

Escucha el siguiente video para aprender cómo se pronuncia el mantram FARAON:


Repetid este mantram muchísimas veces, podéis vocalizarlo un poquito más suave, también lo podéis vocalizar mentalmente y adormeceros conservando las rodillas levantadas verticalmente, adormeceros. Sentirás que todo el cuerpo se adomecerá y se pondrá muy pesado. Esto es muy normal y ocurre todas las noches, ya que es el proceso del cuerpo al quedarse dormido.

De inmediato, escucharás detrás de la cabeza, en el lado derecho un sonido muy agudo como el que produce un grillo. Cuando escuches ese sonido, no te asustes, elévalo de volumen y dale mayor resonancia a voluntad y cuando el sonido esté vibrando intensamente, levántate de tu cama; no te pongas a pensar que haces, "qué si te levantas donde queda el cuerpo..."; simplemente levántese y al levantarse, la naturaleza se encargará de separar al cuerpo astral del cuerpo físico, usted lo único que tiene que hacer es levantarse. Claro que no se trata de levantarse mentalmente, levántese de su cama. Todas las noches lo haces inconsciente; ahora lo vas a hacer consciente.

Al salir de tu cuerpo das un saltico con la intensión de flotar en la atmósfera. Si usted flota es que está en cuerpo astral. Si no flota, vuélvase a meter en su lecho y repita el experimento. No se canse, nunca se canse, si no pudo, mañana lo logrará. Muchas personas triunfan inmediatamente, otras demoran uno o dos meses; en todo caso la voluntad y la tenacidad nos harán triunfar.

En la salida en astral consciente no hay que tener ningún temor, pues de todos modos al dormir siempre salimos inconscientemente y no nos pasa nada.

No te preocupes como has de volver, porque el cuerpo físico al momento de despertar te atraerá hacia él. No existe la posibilidad de que te quedes en algún lugar o que mueras, ya que estas atado a tu cuerpo físico por el cordón de plata. Tampoco nadie podrá entrar dentro de ti, porque si así fuera, ya todos hubiésemos despertado en otros cuerpos.


.: ¿A dónde podemos ir?

Al desdoblarte estás libre de tu cuerpo físico y listo para viajar a la velocidad de la luz (Einstein demostró que el producto de la masa por la velocidad de la luz al cuadrado es igua a energía, esto tiene relación directa...). Le solicitas a tu Dios interno que te transporte al lugar que quieras investigar o conocer.

En cuerpo astral podemos viajar a otros planetas.

Podrás viajar a otros planetas y hablar con seres extraterrestres. Podrás viajar a otros países. Podrás viajar al lugar donde se encuentran los archivos akásicos de la naturaleza (el registro de las vidas pasadas) y allí podrás estudiar en forma directa la verdadera historia de la humanidad, reviviendo lo que realmente ocurrió en el pasado, proyectado como si fuera una película.

Podrás viajar al tribunal de la Justicia Divina o Palacio del Karma, donde todas las personas son juzgadas. Allí nos pesan nuestras buenas o malas obras y todo lo que hacemos tiene un valor que será premiado o castigado por los jueces divinos. Puedes invocar a los maestros que son seres de luz y conversar con los ángeles.



… and I started to float …

Hello, I'm Ali, I'm from Romania and I'd like to tell you a few things about me. First I want to say I'm really satisfied with the lectures you've been sending me and I'm looking forward the next ones. I've also been practicing all the techniques and I can say that I read about astral travel and a few hours later, when I went to sleep I had a strange dream. It was probably not quite an astral travel experience, but it was very special to me. In my dream I was trapped somewhere underground, in a dark, cold place.

I was flying in my city! I could watch myself flying over streets…

I am lucky to have found this page. I think I was about 15 or 16 years old when I had a very odd dream. I went to bed as usual, early, tired and very sleepy as I had a very rough day. I slept face upwards with my back stretched. I dreamt that I was leaving my bedroom, as floating, I left my house, my neighborhood, direct to the sky and taking the same path I used to take to go downtown… …but this time, through the sky. I was flying in my city. I could watch myself over streets, over the buildings. I stepped on terraces observing the movement. I went and came back happy to see all this.

...I feel very blessed to have experienced that...

I had a very unusual experience yesterday.  I was a little stressed and just completed my yoga dvd .   I took a nap lying on my back on my sofa.  I had about three candles burning just because.   I guess I was asleep but I felt like I was awake and in complete control.  There was a beautiful white light before me.   The light spoke in a female voice and asked me to follow her.  I started floating out of my body.  I followed the white light.

…since I was a kid I have been experiencing astral travels, it’s just that I didn’t know what they were…

Well, firstly, these techniques to astral travel are, in my opinion, formidable, as I can choose different options to achieve it. I will tell you that since I was a kid I have been experiencing astral travels, it’s just that I didn’t know what they were or could be. According as I was growing up and contaminating myself in the world, I atrophied this faculty. But now being an adult, I discovered it again and I have had very beautiful experiences for my enjoyment. I feel really happy with the techniques you have taught me.

Well, I want to give my testimony about astral travels...

After having read about this several times, I am definitely convinced that I am experiencing astral travels but in an unconscious manner. It has happened to me many times, that while sleeping I start to be moved by a silvered thread that takes me floating to different parts in the world. The clearest memory of my first time, it’s when I was floating rapidly over a cemetery, I was joined to this thread and I knew that something weird was happening to me but I couldn’t wake up.

Unfortunate One who dies without knowing the reason its existence 

V.M Samael Aun Weor

…since I was a kid I have been experiencing astral travels, it’s just that I didn’t know what they were…

Well, firstly, these techniques to astral travel are, in my opinion, formidable, as I can choose different options to achieve it. I will tell you that since I was a kid I have been experiencing astral travels, it’s just that I didn’t know what they were or could be. According as I was growing up and contaminating myself in the world, I atrophied this faculty. But now being an adult, I discovered it again and I have had very beautiful experiences for my enjoyment. I feel really happy with the techniques you have taught me.

...I feel very blessed to have experienced that...

I had a very unusual experience yesterday.  I was a little stressed and just completed my yoga dvd .   I took a nap lying on my back on my sofa.  I had about three candles burning just because.   I guess I was asleep but I felt like I was awake and in complete control.  There was a beautiful white light before me.   The light spoke in a female voice and asked me to follow her.  I started floating out of my body.  I followed the white light.

I was flying in my city! I could watch myself flying over streets…

I am lucky to have found this page. I think I was about 15 or 16 years old when I had a very odd dream. I went to bed as usual, early, tired and very sleepy as I had a very rough day. I slept face upwards with my back stretched. I dreamt that I was leaving my bedroom, as floating, I left my house, my neighborhood, direct to the sky and taking the same path I used to take to go downtown… …but this time, through the sky. I was flying in my city. I could watch myself over streets, over the buildings. I stepped on terraces observing the movement. I went and came back happy to see all this.

… and I started to float …

Hello, I'm Ali, I'm from Romania and I'd like to tell you a few things about me. First I want to say I'm really satisfied with the lectures you've been sending me and I'm looking forward the next ones. I've also been practicing all the techniques and I can say that I read about astral travel and a few hours later, when I went to sleep I had a strange dream. It was probably not quite an astral travel experience, but it was very special to me. In my dream I was trapped somewhere underground, in a dark, cold place.

Well, I want to give my testimony about astral travels...

After having read about this several times, I am definitely convinced that I am experiencing astral travels but in an unconscious manner. It has happened to me many times, that while sleeping I start to be moved by a silvered thread that takes me floating to different parts in the world. The clearest memory of my first time, it’s when I was floating rapidly over a cemetery, I was joined to this thread and I knew that something weird was happening to me but I couldn’t wake up.

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