The key to be wise is always based on the knowledge of one's self


Learning how to manage that marvelous energy of sex means become a master of creation


The law of karma is the law that links in a wise and intelligent manner the effect with its cause. Everything good or bad that we have done in any of our lives will bring good or bad consequences for this or coming existences.


The humanity is living very difficult moments. 

The man has forgotten of “himself” and commits mistakes, which consequences are the pain and diseases.


St. Paul tells us in the Bible: "You possess fleshly body and spiritual body." We have Practices for yourself to see your soul leave the body ...

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Sexual Super Dynamic
Sexual super dynamic

The key to be wise is always based on the knowledge of one's self. The prophetesses of Delfos, that used to prophesize to the multitudes in the middle of torches, handed to the seven wise of Greek, one of those being Solon and Tales de Mileto, the maximum aphorism of wisdom: "Homo Gnose te ipsum" that means: "Man, know yourself and you will know the universe and the gods".

symbol of love

To radically eliminate the defects, it is necessary to work on them during the sexual intercourse. This chemical sexual connection (coitus) is called by esoterism, the cyclopes forge. When a man and a woman are sexually connected, they are both surrounded by the powerful forces that created the universe. 

The man is the positive force and the woman is the negative. The neutral force is formed in the connection itself.

If these three forces are focused on the same defect, this will turn into cosmic dust. The man should take the defects of his wife as if they were his during the sexual connection. Likewise, the woman must take the defects of her husband as if they were hers. This way, the 3 forces, positive, negative and neutral will be addressed against any defect. This is the key of the sexual super-dynamics to eliminate any defect.

Husband and wife sexually connected must beg to their divine mother the elimination of a defect that has been previously studied and understood. If the man wants to eliminate any defect; for example, anger, he will beg to his divine mother the elimination of the defect and so will his wife, as if the defect of anger were hers. Later on, the husband can proceed to beg the elimination of his wife's defects as if they were his.

This is the key of the sexual super-dynamics: LIGAM-YONI connection, without semen ejaculation, addressing the 3 forces against a specific defect. By practicing this, we will know about the mysteries of life and death.

We should remember that the sexual energy rises through fire grooves placed in the spinal cord to the brain and then to the heart according to the merits of the disciple.

When the sexual energy rises by practicing the wise and conscious sex, certain virtues are conquered by the initiate who will have to get over temptation in order to be given any virtue. Let's remember that gold is tested by fire and virtues by temptations.


In this connection, if the disciple doesn't work on the psychological field, his sexual energy won't rise through the fire grooves in the spinal cord, even if the semen is not expelled. He will turn into black wizard, because this fire is polarized in the negative chakras placed on lower abdomen. This is where those false prophets come from. Those who deceive, if possible, even the elect.

This is why, in our gnostic association, disciples are first instructed to know and eliminate their defects (For more details, see the self-knowledge section) and then about the mysteries of sex.

I am a professional who was married to a doctor who made the decision to get my fallopian tubes tied….

Hello! I read in your website about contraceptives and tubal ligation. I am impressed and I finally found the answer to my “ Calvary ”. I am a professional and I was married to a doctor who is currently the owner of a polyclinic. When I got pregnant for the first time, before getting married, he made me have an abortion. After we got married he made the decision of getting my fallopian tubes tied. I remember a Gnostic lecturer who advised me no to have that procedure and warned me about the consequences. He said the procedure could even generate bad aftereffects to our relationship.

...I would like for you to help me...

I have been using the contraceptive (depo - provera) for a period of almost 4 years. And during that time, I have not been able to feel pleasure with my mate. I would like for you to help me solve this problem.

Why being my husband a doctor all of this happened to me?

I am 30 years old; I suffer from bleedings that last 10 to 15 days. My husband being a doctor has not been able to help me. I visited an alternative-medicine doctor who said the cause of my haemorrhages was the intrauterine device that my husband had placed on my uterus. Before doing this, my husband consulted with a gynaecologist who told him it would not harm me. My question: Why being my husband a doctor all of this happened to me?

During a Cesarean section I got my tubes tied without my authorization or my husband's….

I am 30 years old. Six years ago, being pregnant and attended in a charity hospital, I was programmed for a Cesarean section and during the procedure I got my tubes tied without my authorization or my husband's. The worst part is that now I am completely ardorless and my husband wants to divorce because he thinks that I don't want to have sex with him because I have another lover in my life, but this is not truth. To be honest, since I got my tubes tied, I stopped feeling interested in having sex. It is not my fault. It is the fault of what was done to me!

I have had such terrible side effects and regrets...

I asked my gynecologist for birth control but he told me not to take the pill. He also discouraged me to wear the loop. My husband was grumbling to wear the condom. He didn't realize that with two children under the age of 2 one was up through out the night that I couldn't take any risk. However at 30 he convinced me to sterilize and I kept telling him that my friend advised not to. However the gynecologist also said there were no side effects and pushed me to do it. Of course with a 3 and 4 year old and no help I wasn't thinking of myself.

Unfortunate One who dies without knowing the reason its existence 

V.M Samael Aun Weor

...I cancelled my tubal ligation an hour before surgery...

I just wanted to say that I was about to be a victim of these contraceptives but I decided I needed more information and I researched a lot before I started...I cancelled my tubal ligation an hour before surgery...I was terrified of the symptoms and so I thought of the IUD and because I could not take the IUD for medical reasons until further notice I was prescribed progestin only pills. I read the side effects after having taken my first pill and I stopped. I have decided to not use anything now...God has plans for us all and if I get pregnant with a fifth child then its a blessing.

During a Cesarean section I got my tubes tied without my authorization or my husband's….

I am 30 years old. Six years ago, being pregnant and attended in a charity hospital, I was programmed for a Cesarean section and during the procedure I got my tubes tied without my authorization or my husband's. The worst part is that now I am completely ardorless and my husband wants to divorce because he thinks that I don't want to have sex with him because I have another lover in my life, but this is not truth. To be honest, since I got my tubes tied, I stopped feeling interested in having sex. It is not my fault. It is the fault of what was done to me!

I have had such terrible side effects and regrets...

I asked my gynecologist for birth control but he told me not to take the pill. He also discouraged me to wear the loop. My husband was grumbling to wear the condom. He didn't realize that with two children under the age of 2 one was up through out the night that I couldn't take any risk. However at 30 he convinced me to sterilize and I kept telling him that my friend advised not to. However the gynecologist also said there were no side effects and pushed me to do it. Of course with a 3 and 4 year old and no help I wasn't thinking of myself.

Why has science made these inventions that harmed my daughter so much?

I am a dietician. I work in a clinic and my husband is an engineer. After the childbearing of my second daughter, and to avoid a new pregnancy, I started using contraceptives. This happened despite the fact that I was breast-feeding my little baby.I remember a gentleman who knows about your teachings and who is our neighbour. He warned me about the risk that I was taking. According to him, contraceptives do not permit ovulation and as natural estrogen is not produced; neither I nor my little daughter would assimilate the calcium.

I have been using IUD for the last four months.

My periods have been so heavy, painful, and last for eleven days. My question is - which method can I use which does not have side effects. I am conteplating removing this thing but I do not know which else I can use considering that I do not wish to use hormonal contraceptives. Kindly assist me.

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