The key to be wise is always based on the knowledge of one's self


Learning how to manage that marvelous energy of sex means become a master of creation


The law of karma is the law that links in a wise and intelligent manner the effect with its cause. Everything good or bad that we have done in any of our lives will bring good or bad consequences for this or coming existences.


The humanity is living very difficult moments. 

The man has forgotten of “himself” and commits mistakes, which consequences are the pain and diseases.


St. Paul tells us in the Bible: "You possess fleshly body and spiritual body." We have Practices for yourself to see your soul leave the body ...

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Because of prana, fire burns, water flows, wind blows. The sun exists due to prana. The life we all have is prana. Nothing could exist in the universe without prana. Even the simplest insect could not be born without prana and neither could the shiest little flower.


There is prana in the food we all eat, in the air we all breathe, in the waterPrana we all drink, everything contains prana. When the seminal energy is sublimed and totally transformed, the nervous system is provided with very rich prana, which is deposited into the brain as light wine, as wonderful Christ energy. There is a very close relation between mind, prana and semen.


Controlling the sexual energy through willpower, we will be able to do everything because prana and mind will be then under our control. Those who spill semen will never be able to control either the own mind or prana. Those are losers. That one who gets sexual control will control the own mind and prana.

That kind of men achieve freedom. That kind of men attain the long life elixir.

The Pranayama should not be practiced either after eating or being hungry. Practice the Pranayama in a lonely place, comfortable and far from noise. The Pranayama must be carefully practiced with perseverance and faith.

Those who are addicts to sensual pleasures, arrogant, dishonest, insincere, slanderous, traitor; those who feel pleasure because of vain controversies, silly chats; Skeptical people who live with worldly similar ones. If those cruel and voracious people do not set themselves to change, they will never advance within this wisdom.

We should be polite with everybody, loving one's neighbor and developing patience, mercy and Christian charity. We should be strict and well-balanced concerning foods and drinks.

Through Pranayama control, we will be able to control our own mind, because mind is tied to prana as a bird to a rope. Breathing should be slower each time when practicing the Pranayama. Here is the procedure:

.:Practice of Pranayama


The disciple must sit preferably face to east. Breast, neck and head should be lining in a vertical straight line. The disciple must be sitting straight, not bending either to the left or to the right, not bending either forward or backward.

The disciple must concentrate on his/her virgin, the mother of his/her inner Christ, begging to Her for assistance to do this practice well.

1. Close your eyes, so you don't get distracted by any kind of noise.

2. Block your right nostril with your thumb, mentally pronounce the mantra TON, at the same time, breathe in slowly, passing air only with your left nostril until you fulfill your pulmonary capacity. While you do this, imagine you send Prana to the church of Ephesus in the coccyx.


3. Now, block your left nostril with your pointing finger, with both nostrils blocked imagine that that Prana is transformed into Fire steam and at the same time mentally pronounce the mantra SAHJ.

4. Breathe out slowly through your right nostril, vocalize the mantra HAN and simultaneously imagine the fire steam raises through the igneous channels of your spine towards your brain, pineal, pituitary and thyroids glands and arrives to your heart, forming the wisdom cane.

5. Keep your left nostril blocked with your pointing finger, inhale life, Prana, through your right nostril until you fulfill your lungs, while you do it mentally pronounce the mantra TON, imagine you send the Prana to the the church of Ephesus situated in your coccyx.

6. Block your right nostril and with both nostrils blocked imagine Prana transforms into Fire steam, pronounce mentally and simultaneously the mantra RA.

7. Exhale slowly through your left nostril pronouncing mentally the mantra HAN, at the same time, imagine the fire steam raises through the igneous channels in your spine to your brain-pineal- pituitary- thyroids, until it arrives to your heart. This is a complete Pranayama.

8. Continue another cycle, start by your left nostril, repeating all the Pranayama.

Points to take into account:


  • You can practice 10 minutes in the morning and at night.

  • Pranayama should not be practiced immediately after meals nor when hungry.
  • During practice all body movements should be smooth, not sudden or rough.
  • Air must be inhaled slowly and firmly with your mind concentrated and with retention of breath, but with comfort.
  • Exhale slowly. It is important to achieve control of breath and concentration of mind. Close your eyes so that you are not distracted by matters of the physical world.
  • The Initiate must maintain his body posture and strict self-control, sitting in a lotus flower position or as comfortable as possible.
  • Pranayama should be practiced quietly without making any noise. If you are tired and can not breathe normally, take a break in order to relax before practicing.
  • Initially one should start without holding the breath, that is start exhaling as soon as inhalation is done.
After one or two months of practicing, the disciple will be able to hold at the top of his breath for five seconds and afterwards progress gradually increasing the duration of the retention after inhalation up to one minute, depending upon his own capacity and strengthness.
  • If you can hold your breath for a minute, that minute shall be added to the duration of your life.
  • Practice with slow inhalation and exhalation.
  • The room for the practice of Pranayama must not be humid, poorly ventilated or unclean. The room should be pure, clean and neat.
  • With the practice of Pranayama the Nadis channels are purified.
  • As the student begins to practice a lot of sweating may occur for some time, in that case the body must be well dried.
  • With Pranayama laziness and dullness are disintegrated.
  • With the continued practice of Pranayama LEVITATION can be attained.
  • With the regular practice of Pranayama the benefits of purification of the bright Nadis of the gastric juices, sharp occult hearing and good health are gained.
  • The extension of the period of retention is an important practice for reaching SHAMADI.
  • Through the practice of Pranayama, chronic diseases will be extirpated and a better health condition shall be evidenced as a bright complexion, increase of gastric juices and vanishment of flu, colds and respiratory problems.
  • Brain is purified, carbon dioxide is removed so blood is purified and proper functioning of the digestive, nervous and circulatory systems is attained. Also a total absence of physical fatigue is achieved, all these being signs of body detoxification.
  • Pranayama develops the lungs and gives the devotee who practices it  a powerful and melodious voice.
  • Pranayama clears out bronchial spasms.
  • The student can achieve an extraordinary power of concentration, strong will power and a healthy body through the practice of Pranayama on a regular basis.
 Pranayama should not be practiced by women during menstruation.

…I have been able to get over this evil...

Hello Gnostic brothers, I want to say thanks in advanced because your lectures of the online course have played an important role in changing my life. Before visiting your page, I used to waste my life... Thank God, I found a newspaper with the address of the Anael Center my father once gave me. When I saw the add, I didn't hesitate, and I went immediately to your lectures...

I have a very serious situation:

I started masturbating since I was a very young woman, I am not sure, I was about 16, now I am 28, I am just married, we have been together for 6 months and so far we haven't been able to make love in a correct way. He also masturbated a lot since he was very young, he is younger than me (25 years). Maybe my being older is bad because we women grow up earlier than they do. What I mean is that he doesn't feel any pleasure either. We both work and he comes home earlier, he masturbates before my arrival.

…I feel more power and vitality in my body…

Thanks a lot for all your pieces of advice. Now I know that masturbation is not good no matter what people could say. Now that I know it is a bad habit, I don't masturbate. At the beginning it was difficult but I finally got over it, je, je. It's almost a month since I don't do it and that is a record for me. Now, I feel more power and vitality in my body. Thank you very much to all the Anael team and to all those who helped me.

...I hope you can help me…

Well, my problem is that I am very angry and I hope you can help me. I have been married for 15 years, I have a 15-months-son with him. When I was 3 months pregnant I caught him visiting pornography websites. In the morning, when he went to work, I found porn in CD's and DVD's. Five years ago, I asked him if he practiced masturbation. He told me he didn't and I believed him. This is why I am so angry, he betrayed me. I don't understand anything, why does he have to masturbate? I don't know, I feel clueless. Then, I feel he needs to see other bodies to sexually work with me. I don't know.

Unfortunate One who dies without knowing the reason its existence 

V.M Samael Aun Weor

I have a very serious situation:

I started masturbating since I was a very young woman, I am not sure, I was about 16, now I am 28, I am just married, we have been together for 6 months and so far we haven't been able to make love in a correct way. He also masturbated a lot since he was very young, he is younger than me (25 years). Maybe my being older is bad because we women grow up earlier than they do. What I mean is that he doesn't feel any pleasure either. We both work and he comes home earlier, he masturbates before my arrival.

…I feel more power and vitality in my body…

Thanks a lot for all your pieces of advice. Now I know that masturbation is not good no matter what people could say. Now that I know it is a bad habit, I don't masturbate. At the beginning it was difficult but I finally got over it, je, je. It's almost a month since I don't do it and that is a record for me. Now, I feel more power and vitality in my body. Thank you very much to all the Anael team and to all those who helped me.

...I hope you can help me…

Well, my problem is that I am very angry and I hope you can help me. I have been married for 15 years, I have a 15-months-son with him. When I was 3 months pregnant I caught him visiting pornography websites. In the morning, when he went to work, I found porn in CD's and DVD's. Five years ago, I asked him if he practiced masturbation. He told me he didn't and I believed him. This is why I am so angry, he betrayed me. I don't understand anything, why does he have to masturbate? I don't know, I feel clueless. Then, I feel he needs to see other bodies to sexually work with me. I don't know.

…I have been able to get over this evil...

Hello Gnostic brothers, I want to say thanks in advanced because your lectures of the online course have played an important role in changing my life. Before visiting your page, I used to waste my life... Thank God, I found a newspaper with the address of the Anael Center my father once gave me. When I saw the add, I didn't hesitate, and I went immediately to your lectures...

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